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Grant Opportunities

The PittServes grant opportunities provide additional resources to community partners in order for them to achieve their goals and serve their mission. We have two goals of these grants being implemented. First, we hope to support our partner's initiatives throughought the Pittsburgh region. Second, we hope to increase the quality of service projects for students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

Leveraging the UP to $3,000, awards will be distributed to community partners for the implementation of signature days of service and ongoing volunteer projects. Projects will be reviewed and determined levels of funding will be decided upon by the selection committee composed of students and staff. Organizations may request any amount between $100 - $3,000 to enhance their proposed projects. The method of submission is to utilize the online form located below. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis or until funds are no longer available. 




There are two types of grants to apply for:

  1. Signature Days Grant: The Signature Days Grant is a grant opportunity that allows community partners to apply for funding for a community improvement project that will host volunteers during one of the PittServes Signature Days of Service (SDOS) events (listed below). Volunteer group sizes can be 21-40 volunteers. Organizations must be registered for the Day of Service in order to receive grant fundingPlease note, being registered for the Day of Service requires another request for volunteers that can be found in the PittServes Newsletter, sign up here: https://vr2.verticalresponse.com/s/pittservesoptin.
    • Civic Action Week: Typically, a Friday and Saturday in October, grant applications accepted through September 15th 
    • MLK Day of Service: The Third Monday in January, applications accepted through December 10th
    • Be A Good Neighbor Day: Typically, a Saturday in late March/early April, applications accepted through February 26th
    • NOTE: Signature Day of Service Grants require the organization filling out a request for volunteers, this is a separate form. Also Signature Day of Service Grants are given priority during the review period.
  2. Mini-Grant: The Mini-Grant is for a project that will be completed at any point throughout the year that can be done with a smaller group of volunteers. Volunteer group sizes can range from 5-30 volunteers. Organizations will work with a representative from the Office of PittServes to determine a date and time for the volunteer project as well as to solicit volunteers. 

Grant applications will open on August 1. All projects will need to be completed between September 1, and April 30. The total allotted grant sum is up to $3,000 which could go to one organization or split up amongst different ones depending on the amount of received grant proposals and proposed necessary funding. Grant proposals will be reviewed by a committee of students and staff to determine feasibility, community impact and mission, as well as fund allocation.

Looking for more information? Visit the Grant FAQ Page HERE


1. Completed application (link below)

  • At least 1 letter of support
  • Budget of total project cost
  • Provide W9 

2. At least one agency applying for the grant needs to be registered as 501(c)(3) organizations

3. Project submissions must also reflect the following components. 

  • A project that addresses an unmet community need want, that funds and person-power can help to implement.

  • A plan for long-term sustainability of the project, that may include continued engagement of Pitt students, staff, or faculty.

  • A collaborative effort of two or more community-based agencies and residents.

  • A commitment to environmental sustainability, focusing on reuse, recycle and (if needed) purchase of sustainable materials.

4. If you are awarded a grant, the organization will need to complete a post-grant report upon completion of its project


If you would like to request a separate meeting time, or host an information session at your agency, please contact Natalie Jellison (naj115@pitt.edu)


  • August 1st : Applications Open
  • September 1st : First Day to have Grant Application project started
  • September 15th : Civic Action Week Grant Applications close (note this requires a grant application and completed volunteer request submitted)
  • December 10th : MLK Day of Service Grant Applications close (note this requires a grant application and completed volunteer request submitted)
  • February 26th : Be A Good Neighbor Day Grant Applications close (note this requires a grant application and completed volunteer request submitted)
  • March 30th : Last day to submit Mini Grant Application
    • Mini Grants can be completed at any time between September 1st and April 30th. However, grant submittees will have to work with the PittServes Outreach Coordinator (naj115@pitt.edu) to find a day and time to have volunteers. We ask that the community partner take the school year into account (i.e. Thanksgiving Break, Fall Finals Week, Winter Break, Spring Break, Spring Finals Week, etc.)
  • April 30th : Final Day to have Grant Application project completed


To learn more and have your questions answered, consider attending one of our upcoming info sessions.



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