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Submit your Grant Request

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Organization Information

Contact Information

Project Details

Signature Day Grants must happen during Civic Action Week, MLK Day of Service, or Be A Good Neighbor Day

*Only make a selection if you are applying for a Signature Day Grant

NOTE: Projects must occur no later than June 30.


Select all the apply

In no more than 2 sentences, please tell us what you would like to accomplish

Please provide detail regarding involvement of community partners or community residents and how you will leverage the requested number of volunteers from the University (200 or less words).

Please list all sources of funding you will have or explore for this project. How are other community members/organiztions involved? How do you intend to garner support for implementation of this project? Who are the project champions( other than those submitting the application). (500 words or less)

How will the community and residents benefit from this project? Please describe the long term plan for oversight of the project or deliverable that will be sustained (200 words or less)

File Submission

Please submit an itemized budget for up to $10,000. For each line item, please include the quantity, specific name and supplier referenced. Itemized budget is required at the time of submission.

Please upload any letters of support you are able to provide. A minimum of 1 letter of support is required at time of submission.

PittServes requires a copy of your organization's W9 to process the grant awards. Please upload a copy of your W9 form at time of submission.

Common Messages