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Civic Action Fellows (CAF) is an immersive, academic year-long community engagement opportunity for undergraduate students through the Office of PittServes and the Office of Engagamenet and Community Affairs. Civic Action Fellows commit to working with community-based, non-profit organizations to advance community interests through project-based partnerships in either Hazelwood, Homewood, The Hill District or Oakland.

The mission of the program is to build and sustain long-term place-based partnerships between the University and community stakeholders, develop strong partnerships with community organizations, enhance capacity of organizations, inform students on methods to ethically and responsibly engage with the community, and develop student’s professional skill set.

Civic Action Fellows are selected for transformative immersion in an urban neighborhood setting. Fellows will:

  • Apply academic or professional learning to a community project   
  • Learn how community-based organizations support neighborhood revitalization and strengthening efforts
  • Be immersed in an urban neighborhood setting
  • Have leadership opportunities to guide peers in Pitt Days of Service in the neighborhood
  • Reflect on concepts of community-based leadership, root causes of urban challenges, and individual civic strengths and areas for growth



  • Immersive, place-based program for students in nonprofit organizations in Hazelwood, Homewood, The Hill District and Oakland
  • 8-10 hour weekly commitment at community-based organization
  • Weekly enrichment sessions for students to develop engagement and leadership skills and reflect on experience
  • Monthly stipend (fall and spring terms)

Application Requirements

  • Only fully completed applications are accepted
  • Pitt Sophomore or Higher Undergrad Student 
  • Current Resume 

The Civic Action Fellows Program is currently on pause. Please check back in Spring of 2025 for more updates!

Student Placement Stories

  • Olivia Kelley – Homewood Children’s Village – “My time in the CA program allowed me to see the importance of elevating the voices of a community rather than speaking for or over members of that community.”
  • George Muirhead – Homewood Community Sports: “My experience at Homewood Community Sports was amazing, and also, enriching to me as a person. The coaches, as well as the kids, were great to be around and to serve. I am glad that as a Community Assistant to the community of Homewood I was assigned to be a help to HCS and all the things that they stand for.”
  • Ella Donley – Oakland Transportation Management Association: “Being a community assistant has brought a new meaning to community service for me. I feel like I am truly connecting with a community and it’s members and helping make a difference. My placement at has actually changed my entire career path, where I now want to pursue nonprofit, community based organizations. I have loved everyone I have met while being a community assistant, the students, the people in PittServes, the people in Community and Governmental Relations, and the community members. This program has been such an amazing, positive experience that has honestly changed my life.”

*Community Assistants is the former Civic Action Fellows program

Apply to be a Civic Action Fellow

Questions email naj115@pitt.edu.

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